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Ogam OIls Revitalising

Ogam OIls Revitalising

Aromatherapy is the practise of using plant extracts known as essential oils to bring about both physical and mental well being.

How to use the Oils

Burner, in the Bath, Massage & inhalation

Orange - Encourages sleep by reducing anxiety, promotes positivity. Aids absorption of vitamin C. Traditionally used for dry skin and dermatitis.

Rosemary * - Stimulates and revitalises a tired mind. Used as an aid to memory, clearing the mind. Stimulates circulation, normalising low blood pressure. Acts on liver, benefits conditions of hepatitus, jaundice & bile duck blockages. Used as a hair tonic for dandruff and hair loss as it reputedly stimulates hair growth.

Peppermint - Helps to decongest the mind and body. Good for disgestive system. Cools an overheated body, warms a cold body. Helps ease mental fatigue & depression, clears headaches.

Tea Tree - Strongest anti viral oil,has a multitude of uses in fighting infections. Stimulates immune system, wards off bacteria, viruses and fungi. May be used for gum infections, mouth ulcers, stings, vaginal infections, herpes, cold sores athletes foot, sore throat. respiratory infections. Useful for burns, dry irritated skin and dandruff.

Oils marked *  not recommended for use during Pregnancy


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